Friday, October 1, 2010

Oh, Greeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyytt!!

Hello, Friends and Loved Ones,

Thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers. I do have a couple of other posts that I want to write, but not much time for it at the moment. I did want to tell you about what my **sweet** husband said (or maybe not so sweet, I don't know!).

Anyway, usually (not always, but usually), when Brendin hugs me, it is to tell me
1. How short I am
2. How much grey hair I have

I don't really mind, because when the hugs come, it is such a blissful moment, that I can think of nothing else for as long as the hug lasts. I don't get upset about it, I will take those hugs any way I can get them!!

The other night, though, the two older ones, Alan, and myself were playing a game (the others had gone to bed), and I had my hair pulled back in a pony tail. Alan was sitting right beside me, and the light must have caught in my hair just right, because he said, "Wow! You're really grey!!!" I just laughed, and he said, "No, really! It looks like your Mom's hair!" Now, how is a woman suppose to take that??!! I mean, COME ON! I do think my mom is beautiful with a gorgeous head of hair. I did not think to ask him exactly WHAT he meant by those words:)

Now it is one thing coming from a 13 year old boy, but it is quite another thing coming from the love of my life!:) sounds like maybe the hair budget is going to have to grow!! We will see!!

Have a Wonderful Day!

Psalm 113:1,2
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Still Here

Hello, Praying Friends and Loved Ones,

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for praying for us, and if you have been checking the blog on a regular basis, I am so sorry that I have not kept it up. It has been well OVER a month!!!!! We are still around. We made it back to Hamilton in time for Emily and Austin to go to Camp YES. I believe that was around August
10th or so. We had a wonderful time in Salt Lake City. Is it ever beautiful there!!! We had a great time getting to know the Spillmans, and they were such gracious hosts!! We truly enjoyed our time there. So while Emily and Austin were at camp from the 15 through the 21st, the rest of us took the opportunity to drive to Rochester, NY, to see our friend, Bro. Arnold. Although he was busy with classes in training new candidates for his missions board, he took some time out to spend with us. His daughter and son-in-law and their family are beginning deputation and heading to Senegal. His daughter, Julie, still has her job, so Bro. Arnold and Alex (his s-i-l)went to Rochester for the classes. With them, they brought Julie and Alex's daughter with them to get a head start in training her for traveling. It ended up that Bro. Arnold had to go to a Coordinator's class, and so we took care of the baby for him and Alex. She was so sweet!! At that time, she was 15 months old (I think!). It was really funny to see Bethany around her. She wasn't mean or anything, but it was quite obvious that she was JEALOUS!! She was also quite put out with Bro. Arnold because in all of the 7 years that she has known him, she did not know that he was married! When she saw the baby with Bro. Arnold, she asked who the baby was. He said, "This is my granddaughter." She replied, "I didn't know you were MARRIED!!" He said, "Yes, I am." From then on, she has treated him very differently! As she put it, "He was really cool when I didn't know he was married. He's just not cool anymore!" It didn't matter what we said to her, she was still disappointed.

Anyhow, the following week, Pastor McClain asked us to be the camp missionaries. That was really exciting for me! I loved it! Austin was a camper again, and Bethany joined him. This was an exciting time for her, too, as it was her first year. She did really well, and can hardly wait to go again next year. Brendin was used as a worker (which he really enjoyed), so that left Emily as an "only child" for the week. She kind of had the best of both worlds because she could basically roam around and participate when she wanted, or stay in the cabin with us. It was a relaxing week, and we were so thankful and blessed to be there!

The Lord answered my prayers as far as homeschooling was concerned. Up until that point, we had not been able to purchase any curriculum, but while we were at Bethel Baptist Church on a Sunday night, Mrs. Bakker approached me and said that the school there had extra books that we could buy, if that was what we wanted to do. Praise the Lord!! We were able to begin school on time. The children were kind of stressing out about not starting on time, but the Lord took care of that. Come to find out they had extras for ALL of our children!! Isn't God good??!!

This is Thursday night, and right now we are helping Pastor Eagles watch his boys. It works out well for everyone involved, because Mrs. Eagles gives piano lessons until about 9 p.m. So Pastor brings their boys to the church, and our children play with them for the whole time!! If Alan and I have something to do, Pastor is here, and vice versa, so there is always an adult here. So Pastor is able to still get some work done, and our children get to have fun with the boys. That being said, things are getting a little rowdy in the other room, so I better make sure everyone is safe. Thanks for reading!

Have a great day!

Psalm 113:1,2

The Feere Family to Togo

Assisting in church planting and the training of national pastors in needy West African Nations.

Al, Ida, Brendin, Emily, Austin & Bethany Feere

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